Thursday, February 7, 2013

Post Super Bowl Shock: What Do I Do With My Life?

Random bro's, bro'ing down during some m-f'ing sports action

Okay, wow - it’s the Thursday after the Super Bowl and I think I’ve finally fully recovered and I am finally hitting stride with a routine. 

I’m making responsible plans for my near and not-so-near future, I’m reality-checking my bank account (or perhaps the other way around), I went grocery shopping and bought vegetables, I’m thinking about exercising and holy shit I’m bored.

For sports fans in San Francisco and Northern California, the final ticks in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl, while painful, acted as the finish line in a glued-to-the-tube, endless rivers of beer, spontaneous bro-hug, emotionally exhausting, sports-fan marathon.

I’ve never actually run a marathon or actually done any sort of competitive running whatsoever, because I have never enjoyed running for more than about 30 minutes, and seriously, what is wrong with you people who think that sort of thing is fun?  Nevertheless, running a marathon can take anywhere from two hours for world class runners to 8+ hours for walkers.  The San Francisco sports-fan marathon lasted FOUR AND A HALF MONTHS! 

From early October through February, our city has been with the Giants and their World Series victory and the 49ers in their first Super Bowl appearance in 18 years every step of the way, and every day in between.  Unlike most, however, I have not had the distraction of a “regular job” or “school” or “a girlfriend;” almost all of my waking thoughts (and some of my sleeping thoughts) have been dedicated to our San Francisco sports teams. 

Sure I’ve made a few bucks here and there and gotten laid a few times*, but with football and baseball no longer occupying my days and nights and hangovers no longer occupying my Mondays, I kind of have no idea what to do with myself.

Sure, I have goals to eat healthier, floss every day and finally start Homeland - that sort of thing.  But what do I do every Sunday?  What do I read on the internet? How do I talk shit to friends from different cities?

Here are some of the ideas I came up with:

Get into soccer

Pros: My friend Dan is from Manchester and can show me the ropes, continued sports fanaticism (yelling, high-fiving, etc.), continued binge drinking
Cons: Potentially having to say “footie,” continued demolition of bank account, delayed recovery/reinjury of the broken bone I have in my thumb from slapping the bar during rally chants

Get into fitness
Pros: Get in shape for the shorties, potentially live longer,  save money
Cons: Be a boring person, possibly insufferable when people ask me “so what have you been up to?” and I am forced to respond “Oh, I’ve just really gotten into working out,”  also don’t actually like working out that much

Learn to play the stock market
Pros: Make money, feel all Boiler Room-cool, yell things like “Sell! Sell! SELL!”, complaining about not getting in on Apple stock
Cons: Lose money, actually realizing how rich I could have been if I had actually gotten in on Apple stock

Sports Betting
Pros: Make money, excuse to watch sports, get to drown my sorrows/celebrate big wins
Cons: Lose money, get kneecaps broken by loan sharks, having to care about regular season NCAA basketball

*those two things are unrelated

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