Obviously not actually breaking any news here - we (everyone with any sort of online persona) are exposing too much to the world. I'm sure some curmudgeonly asshole has written a ten thousand-word article in the New York Times that's supposed to make housewives clutch their young'ns, shielding them from the big, bad internet.
Who cares. Perhaps Manti Te'o should have cared a bit more. But seriously, who cares.
What's more interesting to me is how unimportant most stuff is. I remember a coworker back in 2004 criticizing LiveJournal for creating a "everything's about me" false feeling of importance amongst users. I agreed at the time, but its not like I was using it so what did I care?
Admittedly I have been a late-adopter of all social media, so by the time I came around to actively using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc - most of the criticisms had been pushed aside because it's more fun to receive attention and feel a little bit important. Even if it's just one or two other people recognizing your existence.
So we've all adopted, criticisms have been put in the closet and we live in a world where everything that happens gets treated with 9/11 ( x ) second coming of Christ-level importance.
You went to Coachella? Holy Fuck! - You got risotto at that one restaurant? The world must know! - Happy hour? Better "check in," snap a pic and upload it to Instagram(kelvin filter) and yelp about it ASAP(meh, 3 stars).
Fact is, most of the stuff we do isn't that important. And its okay.
That's how I felt reflecting on all that happened at the bar this past weekend. Stuff happened, events transpired, but nothing that everyone in the world needs to know about in 144 characters or a vignette filter.
All this because I came to realize Friday night that I had never sent an important text message in my entire life.
- The 49ers won a pretty good football game
- My two friends got engaged to one another in their cab ride to the bar
- You know the drunkest dude at the bar? That same dude showed up two days in a row to claim that award, fell off the barstool, prompting Tommy to say that it was the first time he had ever seen that happen
- I played dominoes with a couple and talked about Downton Abbey
Thats it, I'm a douchebag.
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