The same rings true for sketch comedy. To be quite honest, I've experienced more bad than good. But if you pay attention to where some of our most beloved comedy-folk got their start; people like Mike Meyers, Chris Farley, Tina Fey and basically anyone who's been on The Daily Show, it often comes back to sketch comedy.
San Francisco's whatever-th annual Sketchfest starts today and here's a breakdown of the most notable shows to catch over the next 18 days.
Day 1 - Thursday Jan. 24
RiffTrax Presents Night of the Shorts IV: Riffizens on Patrol - People I've never heard of sit around and talk shit on Government PSA's and educational videos. Guests include Kristen Schaal, Paul F. Tompkins, a dude from Kids In The Hall and a Mythbuster guy. Moderately Interested.
Day 2 - Friday Jan. 25
“The Adventures of Pete & Pete” 20th Anniversary Show - Exactly what it sounds like. The cast will be there. I wanna see Petunia dance. Extremely Interested.
Pretty Good Friends with Eugene Mirman - One of the more standup-y shows. Named "New Yorks Best Indie Comedy"...thing. Appearances by Kristen Schaal and Reggie Watts. Pretty Interested.
Ronna & Beverly - Two women who co-authored a book called You'll Do a Little Better Next Time: A Guide to Marriage and Re-Marriage for Jewish Singles pretend to be old Jewish ladies. Sounds like an annoying SNL sketch that make you realize it's time to rub one out and go to bed. Not at all Interested.
The SF Sketchfest Dozen - Kind of a "Rising Stars of Comedy" stand up night. One of the names that jumped out at me was Chris Gethard who just appeared on an episode of The Office where he played Dwight's feeble assassin-friend. Seems like a real funny dude. Should be a good one to catch. Definitely Interested.
SF Sketchfest in the Mission - Not much on the details for this one. They're calling it a night of "sketch, improv and standup." Whatever. Would be interested if I had a date planned and nothing to do.
Get Yucked Up - Put on by two dudes who call themselves the "handsome bad boyz of Bay Area comedy," who started their thing in 2010 in an effort to "get comfortable doing hot 10′s" - sounds like it could be the best or the worst. Those are the only two possibilities. Only interested for $10 or less.
Be Kind Rewind - A standup show in the basement of a video store. Keepin' it simple. I like it. Interested if it's BYOB.
Judge John Hodgman LIVE - John Hodgman settles pedantic disputes along with musical guest, John Darnielle from The Mountain Goats. Only interested if Hodgman is mustachioed and ascoted.
“Conspiracy Theory Live with Jesse Ventura” - Jesse Ventura and some people pretend to be detectives or experts or something. This sounds dumb. Not even interested if I got a free T-Shirt.
Day 3 - Saturday Jan. 26
Futurama Live - Whoa, the cast of Futurama performing scenes and answering questions. Initially it sounds awesome. On second thought it sounds just pretty cool. My interest in Futurama has waned over the years. If nothing else, I love tripping out seeing the humans do their cartoon voices in real life. Interested if I got stoned.
Superego Podcast - A live recording of a podcast where dudes say things. Not really doing it for me, that is until you mention that Colin Hanks is one of the guests (along with other comedy dudes). What is it called when you're drawn to someone because you're absolutely convinced he or she would instantly be one of your best friends and you'd hangout all the time? That. Colin Hanks. Very interested and I would wear something "smart."
Before You Were Funny - I have no fucking clue what this is. The blurb says it will "blow you away," but it sounds like it's trying to convince mefunny stuff will happen later, but not during this show, this show is before the funny stuff happens. On the other hand, Mary Lynn Rajskub, sometimes better known as "Chloe" from 24 is a guest I find her awkward nervousness very funny and I would love to hear her talk. Interested enough to go, but not pay.
Bullseye - Like a funnier version of NPR's Fresh Air. With some guests who don't really make it sound like it's that funny. Only interested if there's a free buffet of some sort.
The Benson Movie Interruption - Doug Benson's film-centric podcast. It's funny, Doug is (as always) stoned, and you can expect a special guest. Interested enough to actually check out prices.
The Thrilling Adventure Hour - Famous-ish people do a old-timey radio mystery show. Gillian Jacobs (Community), Keegan-Michael Key (Key & Peele), my crime-drama crush - Paget Brewster (Criminal Minds), the aforementioned Hanksy (that's probs what ill call him)--and motherfucking SHAWN HUNTER from Boy Meets World! Ok, this sounds pretty rad, interested enough to see if anyone else wants to go.
Nick Kroll - Dude from The League doing standup. I love him on the show, hated his special that was on Netflix. I'm conflicted. Only interested if there's a decent bar nearby.
Drew Carey Presents the best of The Midnight Show - Straight-up sketch comedy. Remembering Drew's last sketch/improv thing and I'm less than motivated, but he seems pretty chill as the host of the Price Is Right these days. I don't know, put this one in the back pocket in case of boredom.
Delocated Witness Protection Program Variety Show - A "night of music and entertainment"(?) presented by Adult Swim, with Kristen Schaal, Mary Lynn Rajskub and Bob Mould of Husker Du. Weird. Cool. Weird. Interested in an apprehensive way.
Competitive Erotic Fan Fiction - Pretty sure it's exactly what it sounds like. But live. Or something. Not going to lie, this might be the show I am most intrigued by. I want to go, badly.
Day 4 - Saturday Jan. 26An Afternoon with Pinky and the Brain - The voice-actors from this awesome cartoon doing a script reading and Q&A with the grown-up children of San Francisco. Pretty cool, right? Would Stewie Griffin exist with The Brain? I think not. I'm only interested if I can bring my own kettle corn though (just got the fattest craving for kettle corn).
Throwing Shade Podcast with Erin Gibson and Bryan Safi - Something I've never heard of. It doesn't sound that interesting, why the fuck would people care if they are part of the taping of a live podcast? Dumb. Only interested if there are boobs somehow.
The Benson Movie Interruption - Wow, that's how popular this podcast is now? Once again adding that there will be a "special guest," now makes me think the guest won't actually be that special. Far less interested than I was the first time.
The Dead Authors Podcast with Paul F. Tompkins and John Hodgman - Although I don't really know what to make of this, I think it will be enjoyable if you're a fan of these two guys. If not, it will probably suck. So schedule accordingly. Interested if it's raining, for some reason.
Reggidency Part 1 - He sings, does music-y joke stuff; she dances. Sounds like something I would think is stupid, but "smarter" people would tell me it's because I "just don't get it." Not interested, unless there's a game on at the bar, and I don't have to watch or listen.
Stephen Tobolowsky: The Tobolowsky Files - Ned Ryerson! Not sure what he does, but I think it's musical or funny. Either way, I'm down. Interested as long as I can sneak a bottle in ($9 beer night at Yoshi's is kind of a bummer).
Previously Secret Information with Joe Klocek - SF Weekly's Best Comic in 2011, Joe Klocek, telling good stories. No nonsense, sounds like I'll laugh. I like it. Interested because I think I can get free tickets (I know a dude who knows a dude).
Dr. Brown - A routine by a person Sacha Baron Cohen called "the greatest living teacher of clown." Sounds like a nightmare, and Bruno sucked. Wouldn't be interested if the alternative was having to watch Two and a Half Men.
Bad Movie Night with Jim Fourniadis and Sherilyn Connelly - Two comedians I've never heard of make fun of bad movies...with audience participation! Because the thing everyone loves about comedy is when the audience gets involved. Only interested if I get to sleep during the movie.
The 313 Improv - People from Detroit (313 is the area code there) doing improv. Keegan-Michael Key is hilarious, and has a sketch show on Comedy Central; the other people are on shows you've heard of, mostly. If you're going to give improv a whirl, this might be one of the ones you give a shot. I'm interested if it doesn't interfere with a meal.
There you have it, next week coming shortly...